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The boundary between winter/spring

The wind is blowing outside and a few flakes of snow flutter down but the sun is beginning to have some warmth.  The mud is appearing.  Maple sugaring is beginning.  Birds are producing a cacophony of song as they claim their territory.  Spring is on the way.  Stay patient, be strong, just a forward ticking of time and soon it will be here.

Plans for the Ridge Road house are rumbling forward, like a truck in the distance, I can hear it coming.  The excavator/engineer Eric is in contact with the builder Joe and they will work together to tie in the septic to the concrete foundation, the electrical conduit from the pole to the house, the well and water pipes will be planned for and integrated. 

Test holes for the water drainage in the designed septic area will be dug with the proper State officials present.  Then comes the septic system itself.  ASAP

Next will be the well drilling, also this year, the old spring-fed well tight against the east side of the house will be capped, the well house taken down. 

Stones for the old foundation will be carefully removed from the cellar hole and preserved on site to be used in stone walls and possibly as a part of the foundation.  Do you think it would be tacky to integrate them along the foundation?  The builder has “the best stone mason in Vermont” work with him and they can do some stone façade to cover exposed concrete.  It should appear to be an old stone foundation.  I’m not sure and will ask Phil, our architectural artist to show me how this would look.  Please give me your feedback on this idea.

I know Phil has suggested a stone natural-looking ‘patio’ out in front of the house, but with the large porch on the south side I am not sure if this is needed.  I am also a fan of simplicity.  I like an old Vermont farmhouse that sits on the hill, with just some green lawn surrounding it and maybe a hydrangea or two on the corners.  Though I can visualize a cool circular pattern of stone with grass growing between the stones…again, give your feedback. 

My plans for the stone include more stone walls where they have always been, on the old ‘road’ that heads up to the barn. 

The builder suggested stone entryway pillars at the front of the driveway, to which my husband had immediately said, “yuck.”  I explained it to the builder as- my husband was a Vermont farm boy and anything that smacks of “Look at me!  I am wealthy!” is not attractive to him.  The builder laughed when I explained it to him, but he also seemed to understand.  He is on board with trying to reconstruct the house to the point that someone driving by will say “the old Cooley place is back.” 

I am thrilled with the people involved so far.  I met Eric because Peter & Megan (family) knew him and used him for the well house and the RV site.  I was very thankful they knew him and I have benefitted from his availability and expertise since.  He helped improve the driveway and the removal of debris from the old house before and after demolition. I love that he has seen the old place inside and out.  And he is a just a wonderful, nice Vermonter from Williamstown, just beyond Brookfield. 

I met our architect artist through Sara (again, family) who knows everyone in Randolph and she and her husband Patrick are good friends with Phil.  Again, so grateful to have met such an interesting, talented and nice person to work with on our plans for the house.  A bonus- Phil knows the builder well, has worked with him and recommended him to me.  These two can work together, communicate on the design and make sure our vision comes to life. 

So, I begin Spring with excitement.  This project has given me hope and purpose, helping to carry me through a very tough time in American life right now. 



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