Randolph Center Ridge Road in 1992, taken by Charles H. Cooley

The view in the background...did those horses know how lucky they were? Charles's Morgan venture with Suzanne Royalty, aka Suzie, and her 4 year old Fern Hill Alexandra aka Lexa (named after my son and Charles's grandson Alexander Shepard Cooley).

Two important things Charles gave us: #1 this tractor now helps us on our mini Cooley Farm in Leverett, MA. In the photo below it was pretty new, ~1989 Randolph Center with Alex ~age 4 getting to try it out.

#2 He gave me Lexa <3
Here he is lunging her for me in Amherst, MA ~ 2008, she was about 20 years old at this point. I had so much fun with her for the next 5 years. Truly an exceptional Lippitt Morgan; she taught me so much and Charles gave me a huge compliment when he said "you have done the most with her of anybody with your riding." I was crushed when she died in 2013. Still the best present anyone has ever given me.

We watched some beautiful sunsets when we lived there!