Thank you Phillip Godenschwager for these drawings.
The only changes in the front of the house are-
A view of the south side covered deck/porch sticking out on the right in the above elevation, and a peek of the screened-in porch set back at the far end of the deck/porch.
Also- the chimney is no longer centered. A hard decision for me, but it made more sense to get comfortable with the chimney being off-center since the wood stove will be in the living room, (rather than centered in the house's kitchen or front hallway). The kitchen was always an awkward location for the wood stove and if it was in the hallway, the heat would tend to just flow up the stairs.
I am very happy with this rendition. It will have wooden clapboards, painted white, and a gray metal roof.

The south side of the house will be the most visible as you come up the driveway. The changes are-
The side deck/porch running all along the south side (30' long and 10' deep) with a shallow/flatish room to make it more out of the weather and sun. I wanted to keep it simple, no flourishes, not too many posts, not hiding the south side of the familiar house.
The door to enter the dining room here is now centered (and doubled, glass French doors) between the dining room and living room, with a straight shot across into the kitchen.
The screened-in porch towards the back of the house is on the far right in this elevation, actually lined up with the big deck/porch. A door to enter the screened-in porch is not visible here but is located off the deck/porch on the far right. You can also enter the porch from inside the house via the dining room. I love that this inside door position is in the exact location that the former door used to be- connecting the Cape Cod house dining room to the Saltbox house fireplace room.
The screened-in porch takes the place of the large Saltbox style 'second house' that contained the fireplace room, the garage, and the upstairs 2 bedrooms.

The back of the house that showed the side of the Saltbox house to the left (previously jutting out to the left and overlapping the main Cape Cod style house slightly), now has the screened-in porch, also overlapping the Cape Cod house a bit.
The entry into the kitchen remains on the back of the house here, along with the same double windows above the sink.
The 'Room to Nowhere' on the far right which contained a workshop bench in the past, still has a door (moved slightly to the left with an added window to its right). This door now leads to the mudroom. The mudroom will lead to the kitchen (see floor plans, previous post).
A big change to the back of the house is the upstairs dormer over the upstairs bathroom. I wanted to limit the size to only accommodate the necessary head space in the bathroom without changing the whole back of the house. (See East Elevation above.)

This is a view of the house from the North side. You can see the upstairs bathroom dormer from this view, but I think it balances the front dormer. Remember, it is actually small and tucked in.
Instead of the back of Saltbox house to the left with its one living room window, you see the screened-in porch and a small landing to enter the kitchen door on the back of the house.
The two typical-sized windows on this side are in the downstairs bedroom and the smaller, higher windows are in the downstairs bathroom.
Upstairs of course a guest room matching the guest room on the south upstairs.
Well, this is just superb. You and Phil make a good team--his artistry and know-how combined with your visionary spirit, meticulous planning, and great communication skills.