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Does it match?

The VTC student, Morlene Wong, who created the architectural drawings of the Ridge Road house in 1978 stated on the plans (see image below) that "the original house was built around 1790. Later the gabel [gable or dormer] was built to accomodate [sic] an extra bedroom." I am guessing that Morlene was given this information by either Charles or Harry Cooley in 1978.

But in a very early photo of the old house from Wes Herwig's book "Early Photograh's of Randolph, Vermont" the gable dormer can already be seen in the photo (scroll down). Does that mean that the 3rd bedroom was already there in that photo? Or possibly, the gable dormer was always there for the windows and light it provided and only later the 3rd bedroom was walled off from the stairwell?

Here is a little study of how the two houses match up...the old photo vs a current one taken 1120/23.

Dates on architect drawing...most likely supplied by the Cooleys

Morlene Wong, VTC student 1978, architect drawings of the Ridge Road House

From Wes Herwig's book, 1986, Early Photographs of Randolph, Vermont 1855-1948

Comparing the details, windows, and roofline to the old photo


Comments (3)

Sara Tucker
Sara Tucker
2023년 12월 07일

After studying the two photos, I think you're right about the front dormer being part of the original house. I, too, wonder where Marlene got her info. I think Marlene is Wong. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Sylvia Cooley
Sylvia Cooley
2023년 12월 09일
답글 상대:

Yes, even on an item that was made by visiting the owner of the house and the drawings given to him, I think people can say and think things that may have become misconstrued over time...the game "telephone" where you whisper in the kid's ear next to you and they whisper what they thought they heard to the next kid, and so on. By the end the person who says it out loud gets a big laugh for how 'off' it is! I saw something called reiteration effect or illusory truth effect and of all people Charles would hate that...(it being something used by a former president now running again to spread untruths.)


Sylvia Cooley
Sylvia Cooley
2023년 12월 09일
답글 상대:

ALWAYS stay is a good thing! Scientists are like that.


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