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A Handy Man, I am not

Mostly I went up to the house today to rescue all of Charles’s horse tack.  I am hoping it will see more use. I will offer it to anyone who thinks they can use it.  Rachel from my boarding barn in Hatfield may come by.  Two trunks of leather goods and another pile that would fit in more trunks if I had them. Mostly it is harnesses for use with the sleigh or a cart.

14 days and counting for Day 1 of Demolition, so anything that can be saved is a plus.  The house is mostly empty now. 

I almost filled the truck just with the horse tack and had to place a door teetering a bit on top- it’s the beloved Secret Passageway door.  I left a couple more doors behind for now that I couldn’t fit in the truck.

I also tried my hand at more salvaging.  It’s amazing the tasks that I have no problem with, but then one small screw that won’t turn, can throw me into a deep disgruntled state. 

I have so much respect for those who can handle tools and know how to tackle a job.  Tap, tap, in goes the pry bar neatly under a piece of door jamb that should be lifted.  Looks like butter.  Creak, creak, out pops the wood, exposing the item to be removed.  (That is me imagining how it’s done, not me in real life.)

I am glad my niece’s husband Jim will save some windows tomorrow.  Anything from the old place that can live on, that’s a plus. 


Feb 11, 2024

Sylvia, we don't have a lot of room in our barn but could certainly hold some doors,etc for you if you can't move them all out before demolition.

Sylvia Cooley
Sylvia Cooley
Feb 11, 2024
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Thank you Jill! I will let you know if I need to do that! I was driving down 89S after leaving and suddenly remembered one of the top items on my list was that little hand-hewn door John had pointed out to me. I forgot to try my hand at removing it… argh!

Comments (4)

Feb 14, 2024

I share your frustration about "that one screw." I have come to expect I'll feel triumphant, as I remove a bunch of screws, only to be shot down by the last one that seems cemented in place by time.

Replying to

oh yeah...that is frustrating... thanks for your acknowledgement! It helps.


Sara Tucker
Sara Tucker
Feb 12, 2024

I share your admiration for people who are handy with tools and know how to do practical stuff around a house, a barn, a car, a garden==the places in which we live our day=to=day lives. But you are hardworking and resourceful. You get things done. That is a skill in itself.

Replying to

Thanks Sara. As I drove home feeling like I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted, I did give myself a pep talk about the things I HAVE gotten done. You are my best cheerleader for sure, I appreciate that!


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